

Kwok 发表于:2024-06-21 12:21:49 点击:5 评论: 0





我今年29岁,护照白本,工作经历也并不好看。2020年我和女朋友一起创业开公司搞艺考培训(规模很小,就是个两人公司),除了第一年也都没赚到什么钱,受疫情影响,公司业务这两年近乎搁置,我们俩也约等于失业,只是公司确实还存续,所以还可以厚着脸皮在回答employment相关的问题时说自己是个business owner。总之,从申请学签的角度来说,我在国内的工作经验我自认为是一个薄弱环节。也是因为这几年的经历,导致我们俩都拿不出能让人信服的银行流水,所以才很坚定地要走SDS。另一个比较难处理的问题是,我在大学虚度了六年的荒唐时光,本科四年+留级两年,每天就是昏天黑地打游戏,成绩单非常难看,挂科无数,到后来课也不去上,试都不去考,最终也没能毕业。这个问题解释不清楚的话,大概会给人留下一个很差的印象吧,而且也可能直接被质疑学习能力和留学目的的真实性。因此,这个问题是我在写SP时最着重解释的问题。唯一比较乐观的情况是英语,虽然在大学出了问题,但我其实是个小镇做题家,英语属于我的经典强项,高中期间就没下过130。帮助女朋友备考雅思过程中,我基本没怎么努力,听力和阅读就能随便拿8,写作口语也没太准备,想着先考考看再说,结果考第一次出来就是8、8.5、6、6,于是也就不用再准备了。


跟大家分享一下我的学习计划吧,很长,中文5000 字,英文 3000 字。OPR 以后一直没什么真实感,因为来的太快了,也因为太快,我其实也并不敢确信这篇东西在实际审理中是否真的起到了什么确定的、正向的作用。  不过,在施工润色我和我女朋友两篇学习计划的过程中,我也确实收获了一些心得和经验,在此连同 SP 一并分享给大家,希望能帮助到有需要的人吧。同时也希望大家能保持警惕、自行辨别,因为我们也真的不是很能确定,在我们俩的case 中,学习计划到底起到了怎样的作用。  以下是我的背景信息:  我今年29 岁,护照白本,工作经历也并不好看。2020 年我和女朋友一起创业开公司搞艺考培训(规模很小,就是个两人公司),除了第一年也都没赚到什么钱,受疫情影响,公司业务这两年近乎搁置,我们俩也约等于失业,只是公司确实还存续,所以还可以厚着脸皮在回答employment 相关的问题时说自己是个business  owner。总之,从申请学签的角度来说,我在国内的工作经验我自认为是一个薄弱环节。也是因为这几年的经历,导致我们俩都拿不出能让人信服的银行流水,所以才很坚定地要走SDS。  另一个比较难处理的问题是,我在大学虚度了六年的荒唐时光,本科四年+留级两年,每天就是昏天黑地打游戏,成绩单非常难看,挂科无数,到后来课也不去上,试都不去考,最终也没能毕业。这个问题解释不清楚的话,大概会给人留下一个很差的印象吧,而且也可能直接被质疑学习能力和留学目的的真实性。因此,这个问题是我在写SP时最着重解释的问题。  唯一比较乐观的情况是英语,虽然在大学出了问题,但我其实是个小镇做题家,英语属于我的经典强项,高中期间就没下过130。帮助女朋友备考雅思过程中,我基本没怎么努力,听力和阅读就能随便拿8,写作口语也没太准备,想着先考考看再说,结果考第一次出来就是8、8.5、6、6,于是也就不用再准备了。 




 1.  “丑陋的事实”不能回避,一定要自己点出来、解释清楚。明晃晃的事实改变不了也绕不过去,但是讲述的方式事可以控制的,人在其中的想法和状态也是有解释空间的。要挽回印象,还可以体现自己对这件事的反思和之后的成长,再努力寻找这件事积极的方面,用积极主动的逻辑和视角把“坏事”跟后来的事串联起来,尝试讲出一个“救赎故事”。 


 2.有机会就cue 一下自己的回国意愿和家庭纽带。写其他部分的时候,心里始终记得最后还有一个“My ties to China”的环节:每写一点就想想,这部分能不能为我以后回国提供理由,以及要不要说一下父母/配偶对我的支持鼓励和启发,为我后面说感情深厚、一定要回国团聚做铺垫。通过全方位的叙述构建起回国的必要性和合理性,我认为这对于我这种国内根基弱的申请人来说很重要。 


 3.不要因为害怕好像是“全凭一张嘴”,就不敢表达自己的主观想法或者某些难以证明的事实。学签无论如何都只是“小儿科”,对材料质量和举证责任的要求并没有那么高。不要怕签证官怀疑你撒谎,只要是问心无愧的事情,就可以说。应该说,只要没有与之矛盾的证据,签证官也没有立场随意质疑你的陈述,他要说你说的是假的,其实也是只有一张嘴。  同理,我看有些人的SP 中会有一段专门提到“我承诺遵守加拿大法律,按时交税,不会非法滞留”等等,这其实也是全凭一张嘴。但我觉得你提到了就比没提到要强,better than nothing,按最坏打算,拒签闹到司法复核法官那里,




4.学习计划的几个内容板块不要太死板,还是要以把自己的情况和留学的合理性解释清楚为最优先。一些常见模板也并不是适合每个人。我和女朋友的 SP 在结构上就各有不同,我的版本就要花更多的篇幅和逻辑链条来解释、合理化我的过去。 


 5.  Chat-GPT 牛逼,非常牛逼。GPT-4 更要比3.5 牛逼太多太多了。不要指望它能直接输出一篇完美的学习计划给你,也别指望靠它替你构思内容。但是只要你有个明确的方向,自己先想好了要写什么,他绝对能帮你把工作干的特别漂亮。有条件的朋友一定要试试。也不光是文笔层面,你还可以问他,我这么解释这件事,加拿大native 能不能听懂,会不会confused,来帮你确认自己的思路签证官能不能跟得上。我们两份学习计划都是自己写好中文,然后拿去跟GPT 一段一段研究出来的,效率其实不高,但是我对语言质量很满意,也发现了很多中文版没考虑到的问题,修正了很多逻辑。(记得最后再过一遍grammary)


  6.要记得我们和加拿大之间巨大的文化和社会差异。写作过程中我发现,很多时候,要简历因果关系是一件很难的事情,你眼中的别无选择、不得已、不得不,确实每一个中国人都能领会,但对于蜜罐里泡大的傻老外来说,他可能还真的就不明白:“嗯?怎么就have to 了呢?怎么就have no choice but  了呢?明明可以向xxx 求助啊?就没有别的方法吗?”我私心觉得,他们的生活里总是有太多选项了。因此,在涉及到一些理由、决策相关的陈述时,尽量把逻辑说得透一些、彻底一些、硬一些,防止他们因为不理解,而觉得你得理由站不住脚。 


 先说这么多吧,申请签证准备文件相关的事大家也可以问我,我尽量把交的文件最简化了,也还是很快就过了,证明这样应该也没问题。  文件列表(SDS): 四张表格IMM0104、IMM1294、IMM5257、IMM5645 雅思、大学成绩单 照片一张、身份证、户口本翻译公证 录取信、co-op 需求证明信、预交一年学费证明 护照 预体检回执 Client Information:学习计划、无犯罪记录证明(涉外公证) 并附有大学肄业证、高中毕业证和会考成绩单(这些文件都做了涉外公证,用于支持我学习计划中的部分陈述,其实感觉也不是很有必要)




1.开头段 Dear Officer,  


2.我的背景 2011 年,我被CUC 录取,攻读  Electronic Information engineering  本科项目.  我在CUC 花费了六年时间,最终还是由于成绩不佳没能毕业,于2017 年dropped out。离开学校以后,我在content creating 这一领域开展了职业生涯,最终因长远发展和上升空间方面的考虑而选择创业。2020 年,我与另一位合伙人创办了自己的公司并运营至今,主营面向高中生的艺术培训。由于公司规模不大,我身兼多职,which primarily involves strategic planning, online content production, marketing strategies and sales, and customer relations.  


3.Reasons for the Non-Completion of My Undergraduate Degree  


1) A Decision Made too recklessly  大学以前,我的成绩一直among the top students,在高考(NCEE)中,我的成绩在全省排名前3.4%,并凭此被中国传媒大学录取,a top-tier university included in the 211 Project initiated by the Chinese Ministry of Education.  学习对我来说,从来不是一件困难、费力的事,尽管我所在的高中以其高度竞争和繁重的学业任务而闻名,但我一直能够游刃有余地应付这些挑战。This predisposition  使我选择了major in Electronic Information Engineering,  一个我并没有太多了解,却相信自己自然而然就能学好的领域,只是因为我对IT 行业有一点粗浅的兴趣。  但后来的事实证明这个决定其实做得相当鲁莽。Due to the absence of career education during my growth,I had very limited exposure to information about various majors and careers. Unfortunately, my school and family were also unable to provide me with helpful guidance in this regard, and the information available on the internet during that time was relatively sparse and unclear.  我盲目乐观地选择了这个专业,完全没有考虑过自己是否具备所需的qualities,只是觉得一直以来都很顺利的我也会继续顺利地在任何领域取得成功。  


 2)课程设计和授课方式与预期不符  在CUC 的第一个学期,我发现我接受的教育和我的预期之间有很大的差距。  我在基础课中看不到与实际应用间的关联。以高等数学Advanced Mathematics A  这门课为例,这是一门中国所有science and engineering program 都包含的必修课。教材教案也是全国统一,没有根据学科领域不同而教学范围和重点上有任何差别。课程涵盖的内容又多又难,却只限于纯理论,没有提供任何的应用场景,与其他课程也缺乏有机的联系。考试也重在考查各种解题技巧,而不是对数学概念和原理的真正理解和掌握。  另一些专业课则存在outdated 的问题,以本科毕业去找工作的标准来看,所学内容缺乏实际意义。比如Introduction to Radio and TV Technology,传授的知识则过于笼统且陈旧,只交代最基本的技术原理,而对当前真正被实际广泛应用的技术、标准以及设备却少有覆盖,学生似乎只能通过未来在实际工作中自学才能掌握这部分知识和技能。  以上因素都挺伤害我学习热情的,而更重要的是,在学习这些课程的过程中,我意识到自己并不具备这一领域所需求的aptitude for  数学和programming,也缺乏基本的兴趣。上大学以前,虽然the education system  很有压力和负担,但在事实上,我很享受学习和练习的过程,也非常善于学习,尤其是那些我感兴趣的科目,比如英语。而面对这些电子信息工程的专业课,我感受到的只有不合适和痛苦,也彻底意识到了自己的局限性和与这一领域的不合适,这种不适配让我在学业上遇到了很大的困难。


  3)寻求解决方式未果  在第一学期结束后,虽然没有挂科,但实际上我已经感到非常的不适,我向父母表达过对所学专业的不喜欢,像绝


大多数中国父母会做的那样,他们建议我学会适应。也由于我从小在学习上所呈现出的“不费力”,事实上我和我的家庭都没有想到,这种不喜欢最终会导致学业上的失败。当我开始出现多门课程挂科之后,家人曾经建议过我退学回家复习一年,重新参加高考。但大学的经历让我开始质疑自己,担心重新参加高考无法考上更好的学校。我也实在没有勇气重新进入中国高压的高中教育系统。在再三纠结之下,我选择了勉强继续就读,希望通过补考、重修来修够学分以毕业。  我也曾考虑过向学校申请转专业,但ironic 的是,在CUC,转专业是一项highly competitive  的特权,只有GPA 本专业的前几名的学生,才有资格申请转专业,而我的成绩根本无法支持我通过审批拿到转专业的资格。  同时,中国的绝大多数大学,包括CUC,都缺乏academic  supporting system,即便在我挂科重修以后,也没有任何部门或工作人员可以为我提供帮助。对于成绩不好的学生,学校唯一采取的措施就是在挂掉一定的学分以后强制留级,用一个额外的学年来重新学习所有挂掉的课程。这也是我在一个本科项目上花费了六年的原因——我留级了两次。但留级之后,我对专业缺乏热情和兴趣的事实依然没有改变,反而给我增加了巨大挫败感和心理压力。我进入了一个恶性循环,无心学习导致成绩不好,成绩不好导致留级,留级导致心理问题,心理问题使我更加无心学习。


  4)Why not drop out earlier? 尽管我对本专业感到沮丧灰心,但CUC 作为一个平台,为我其他方面的发展提供了大量的机会。对此我非常喜欢也十分感激。CUC 以其在文化、媒体、艺术相关领域的教育质量及行业联系而闻名,校园内的文艺氛围也十分浓厚。在这种氛围的感染下,我发现了自己的在多个领域的才能和热情。比如说,我运营了自己的社交媒体账号发表文章和播客,吸引到了很多的关注和认可。还参加了一些talent show,并因为精湛的歌唱表演成了campus celebrity。 Despite  学术上的失败,CUC  是一个让我得以实现和释放我自己的地方,在这里 My  charismatic  and  out-going personality  为我  harvested numerous friendships and recognition within the campus community.这些connection 也为我之后的就业提供了很多机会。这使我即便学业受阻,也不愿意离开CUC,因为我在这里看到了另一种未来。   


4.My Professional Journey  2017 年离开学校后,由于出色的写作水平,经过同学的介绍,我开始给一家新兴的互联网内容平台供稿,按照需求写作。工作一年后,得益于我出色的工作表现和作品质量,我得到一个更好的机会,跳槽到了一个由老牌出版集团建立的竞品平台。又因为我的英文很好,我额外接触到了一些需要直接阅读英文原版书籍的工作内容。  这两段工作经历为我奠定下了一段漂亮的履历,我因此证明了我的工作能力,也有了不错的收入。    2020 年,一个在CUC 认识的朋友看中了我多方面的工作能力,邀请了我和她一起创立一间公司。她毕业于CUC the Art of Announcing and Anchoring 专业,我们的主要业务就是为高中生提供AAA 相关的课程,使学生在大学艺术类专业招生考试(known  as  Yikao)中取得更好的成绩。我的合伙人主要负责教学方面的工作,我则负责管理公司,client relations,marketing and sales,以及production of video and graphic materials。  创业的第一年,我们取得了超出预期的商业成功。遗憾的是,covid-19 在中国的反复流行,加上中国政府严苛的防疫管理政策,严重影响了我们的业务在2021 和2022 年的开展。2021 年9 月,中国教育部发布了艺考改革相关的指导意见,按照中国政府的计划,在政策引导下,市场对我们服务的需求将以很快的速度逐年萎缩。在严峻的政策压力下,这两年间,我们做出了一些调整,并积极开展线上业务以适应新的需求,但我们的业务依然受到了冲击。  生意受到影响,我和合作伙伴开始规划新的职业发展道路。创业这三年,我获得了很多宝贵的经验 of  running  a business,也发现了自己在商业决策、市场营销、产品管理  等领域的巨大的潜力和兴趣。我把公司的 mishap 视为一次难得的机遇,让我有机会审视自己真正的兴趣,重新投身于一个我真正有抱负、有热情的行业。这就是我决定出国学习Automotive Business 的契机。  


5. Why Study Automotive Business at Georgian College 


1)我对汽车行业的热情和中国汽车行业的前景 从小就特别喜欢车,一直很喜欢看和车相关的文章和视频。工作以后买了自己的车,领克03,一个中国品牌的运动轿车。买车前做了不少功课,买车以后更是迷上了驾驶,经常进行上千公里的公路旅行,自己动手升级了很多配件。综上所述,我对汽车有很大的兴趣和热情,并因此非常希望能进入汽车行业。 我对中国汽车行业的前景也非常看好,尤其是新能源这一领域,技术和市场的发展都很迅猛,中国品牌未来可能会是世界的领导者。根据中国汽车工业协会(CAMM)的数据,2023 年1-4 月,中国出口新能源车52 万台,对比2022年同比增长 112%;同时,中国新能源汽车出口市场中,西方发达国家的比例也在不断增大,2021 年我国新能源汽车对西方发达国家的出口额已经占据出口总额的71%,说明其在国际市场上的竞争力在不断提升。(source:link) 


 2)我在商业领域的经验需要结合专业的知识和技能才能转化为在汽车行业就业的优势。 虽然三年的创业经验对从事商业来说也很有价值,但 要进入汽车商业这一领域,我 还需要更系统的知识和专业技能。Georgian College 的Automotive Business Program 将为我提供所需的专业知识和技能。我咨询过父母的意见,他们为我的决定感到欣慰,非常支持我回到校园,也愿意资助我的学习。通过结合我在商业领域的实践经验和这一专业的学习,我将能够将我的商业见解和创新思维有机地融入汽车行业。这种综合的背景将使我在与汽车行业相关的职位上具备独特的竞争优势。  


3)  该program 的设计完全针对就业,很好地契合了我的需求 Automotive  Business  这一program 所需时间短、重视实际应用,是一个非常job-oriented 的项目。与我在中国接受的本科教育不同,这里的课程的设置有着清晰的目的,课程与课程之间的联系也更加紧密,并贴合实际工作场景,还会经常更新内容,以适应最新的行业动态。这些都能极大地提升毕业生的就业竞争力。该项目还有两个 co-op terms,学校和 6200 多个雇主合作,其中还包括  Honda of Canada Mfg.  这样的国际领先车企,  让我能更早也更容易地积累工作优质的经验,为我回国转换赛道奠定坚实的基础。 


 4)我在这个program 中,有取得学术成功的动力和信心。 在申请之前,我仔细查看并分析了AUBU 项目的教学计划,确认了该项目与我个人的志向和能力相匹配。这种透明度也是中国的高等教育所不具备的。课程中既包含Concepts of the Automotive Industry(AUTO 1018)、Introduction to  Automotive  Technology(AUTO  1019)、这种 我感兴趣的汽车内容,也包含  Introduction  to  Organizational  Behaviour(BUSI 1001)、Principles of Sales(MKTG 1003)这样我有实际经验的内容,其他的课程也都非常实际、有用,让我很有动力学好,同时也不涉及脱离实际的数学和编程。(source: link) 


 6.Why Canada


 1)加拿大提供丰富多样的高等教育选择,而中国缺少这种灵活性 加拿大的college 教育在各个方面都十分契合我的需求,是我 further  education 的理想选择。而这种与实际就业密切结合教育形式在中国就很少见了。同时,中国的全日制Post-secondary 教育至少需要四年才能毕业,而其他的替代选项社会认可度又较低。  


2)加拿大的学历认可度高,可以为我提供竞争优势 加拿大的教育质量之高国际闻名,中国人也看重海外经历。拥有加拿大文凭,我会更加被中国的雇主青睐。同时作为一个英语国家,在加拿大的留学经历可以磨练和证明我的英语能力,使我能够胜任范围更广的工作,比如车企的国际业务。 


 3)北美汽车市场 加拿大所在的北美是世界第二大汽车市场,具有比第一大市场中国还要发达的汽车产业和汽车文化。Georgian College 所在的安大略省更是home to North America's largest automotive manufacturing hub.  在加拿大取得的汽车行业相关背景会更具含金量和说服力,提升我的就业前景。




1)Through my studies at Georgian College,我会取得所需的知识和技能和经验,然后回到中国进入汽车行业工作。由于已经阐述过的种种原因,我非常自信能在以优异成绩从Georgian College 毕业之后,回到中国找到一份汽车商业相关的工作。我计划work for international automakers like Honda or leading Chinese domestic NEV brands like NIO  and  Li  Auto.  These  companies  offer  attractive  salaries  and  opportunities  for  advancement.  Given  the  strong  demand of automotive enterprises for global marketing, my international education background will provide me with a distinct advantage.(此段需要重新组织文字,因为是复制粘贴的) 


 2)我将深度参与中国汽车市场,积累实际经验为未来可能的再次创业打下基础。 在中国汽车市场,我将亲身了解市场需求和行业趋势。此外,我计划建立广泛的业界关系,与行业专业人士和企业领导者、上下游供应商保持沟通,以获取更深层次的行业洞察和商机信息。通过深入参与行业活动和实际项目,我将加速对中国汽车市场的理解,为未来可能的再次创业做好充分准备。这不仅包括对市场的深刻认知,还将使我建立起可靠的业务网络和人脉,我坚信这样的实际经验是未来创业成功的关键,将成为我在汽车行业取得竞争优势的重要资产。  


 8.My Ties to China  


1)Family.   作为一个中国人,我非常看重家庭责任。我的父母为我付出了很多,即使在我最令他们失望时也没有放弃我,还为我出国留学提供了资金支持,对此我非常感动也很感激。我是家中的独生子,我父母在未来只有我可以依赖。因此,我毕业后一定会返回中国与他们团聚,而不是非法滞留在加拿大。 


 2)Job opportunities and entrepreneurial environment. 作为一个local business owner,我非常熟悉中国的国情和政策,这在商业决策和市场分析层面非常重要,也是我这段创业经验很大的价值所在,但这一点在加拿大很难发挥出作用。相似的还有我的content creating  经验,其主要的核心技能是中文写作,在以英语为主导的环境中应用受到限制。  同时,我还保留着未来再次创业的野心。在中国,政府对小微企业提供了广泛的支持,这包括融资便利、税收减免等方面,同时还在政策和法律上予以很大程度的照顾,  这对我未来的创业至关重要。相反,在加拿大,创业者可能面临诸多不便。首先,创业成本较高,尤其是在一些主要城市,租金、劳动力成本等方面相对昂贵。此外,加拿大的法律和政策相对保守,创新型企业可能需要更长的时间和精力来适应和遵守各项法规。 






Study Plan 


 Dear Officer,   My name is , and I am writing to present my study plan for the Automotive Business program at Georgian College,  starting May  2024.  This plan  is intended  to  outline  my educational background, professional  experiences, reasons for choosing this program, and my ties to my homeland, to support my visa application.   


My Background


In  2011,  I  was  admitted  to  the  Electronic  Information  Engineering  undergraduate  program  at  Communication University of China (CUC). Despite spending six years at the university in Beijing, I ultimately did not graduate due to unsatisfactory academic performance and dropped out in 2017. After leaving the university, I embarked on a career in content creation, followed by a transition to entrepreneurship. In 2020, I co-founded a company focused on arts training for high school students and have been managing its operations to this day. Due to the small scale of the business,  my  role  is  multifaceted,  primarily  involving  strategy  planning,  marketing,  online  content  production,  and  customer relations.  


Reasons for Not Completing My Bachelor's Degree 


1) A Hasty Decision Before university, I was consistently among the top students, ranking in the top 3.4% in my province in the National College Entrance Examination, which led to my admission to the Communication University of China (CUC), a top-tier university recognized as part of the prestigious 211 Project by the Chinese Ministry of Education. Academic pursuits had never been a challenge for me, despite being in a highly competitive education system known for its demanding workload.  With  exceptional  comprehension  abilities  and  interest-driven  learning,  I  always  managed  to  effortlessly  achieve  my  academic  goals.  This  ease  in  handling  academic  challenges  led  me  to  choose  a  major  in  Electronic  Information Engineering, a field I knew little about but believed I could excel in due to my superficial interest in the IT industry.  However, this decision proved to be rather reckless, largely due to my lack of understanding of the field. The absence of career education during my formative years left me with limited exposure to information about various majors and careers. Furthermore, my school and family were not able to provide any helpful guidance in this area, and the relevant information on the internet at that time was sparse and unclear. This led to my blindly optimistic choice of this major, without considering whether I possessed the qualities required, simply believing that my continuous success would naturally extend to any field. 


 2) A Gap Between Expectation and Reality During  my  first  semester  at  CUC,  I  discovered  a  significant  gap  between  the  education  I  received  and  what  I  had  anticipated.  I  couldn't  see  the  connection  between  basic  courses  and  practical  applications.  Take  Advanced Mathematics A, a compulsory course for all science and engineering programs in China, with a nationally standardized textbook and teaching plan that did not differ according to the field of study at all. The course covered a vast and difficult range of purely theoretical content, yet failed to illustrate its relevance or application in my specific field of study, and lacked organic integration with other courses. The examinations focused more on testing one's ability to navigate  through  complex,  on-paper  problems,  rather  than  a  true  understanding  and  mastery  of  mathematical  concepts and principles.  Other  specialized  courses  suffered  from  being  outdated.  For  instance,  Introduction  to  Radio  and  TV  Technology  offered overly general and obsolete knowledge, covering only the basic technical principles. It barely touched upon the technologies, standards, and equipment currently in widespread use, leaving students to have to acquire crucial knowledge and skills later outside the program, maybe even in the future workplace.  All these factors severely diminished my enthusiasm for learning. More importantly, during the process of studying these courses, I realized that I did not possess the aptitude for mathematics and programming required in this field, nor did I have any fundamental interest. Before university, despite the pressure and burden of the education system, I actually enjoyed the process of learning and practicing, especially in subjects I was interested in, like English. However, faced with these Electronic Information Engineering courses, all I felt was incompatibility and distress, leading me to fully realize my limitations and the mismatch with this field, which caused significant difficulties in my academics. 


 3) Struggling to Find a Path As the first semester at CUC came to a close, I hadn’t failed any courses, yet a profound sense of unease had already set in. I expressed my dislike for my major to my parents, and like most Chinese parents would do, they advised me to learn to adapt. Due to my previously effortless academic track record, neither my family nor I foresaw that this discontent would lead to my academic downfall. When failing courses became frequent, my family suggested that I drop out and spend a year preparing to retake the National College Entrance Examination, to attain a second chance to make a better choice. However, my university experience had made me doubt myself, fearing that I might not get into  a  better  university.  I  also  lacked  the  courage  to  re-enter  the  high-pressure  environment  of  the  Chinese  high  school  system.  Torn  and  uncertain,  I  opted  to  trudge  on  with  my  current  studies,  thinking  that  I  should  at  least  graduate first and then consider a career change.  


I also considered applying to transfer to a different major, but ironically, at CUC, this option was fiercely competitive and therefore limited to students with top GPA rankings, a criterion far beyond my reach. 


 Additionally, CUC, like many Chinese universities, lacked an academic support system. Even after failing and retaking courses,  there  were  no  departments  or  staff  to  provide  help.  The  only  measure  the  university  took  for  struggling  students was to enforce academic probation after failing a certain number of credits, leading to additional years of study.  This  requirement  extended  my  undergraduate  journey  to  six  years,  with  two  years  of  repeating  courses.  However, being held back didn't change the fact that I lacked aptitudes and interest in my major, only exacerbating my sense of defeat and psychological strain. I found myself in a destructive loop: low motivation for studies led to poor grades, which led to academic probation, further intensifying my psychological struggles and diminishing my will to study.  


4) Why Not Drop Out Earlier? Despite feeling disheartened and frustrated with my major, I found that CUC, as a platform, offered me numerous opportunities for development  in  other  areas, for which I  hold great  appreciation  and  gratitude. Renowned  for  its  educational quality and industry connections in culture, media, and arts, CUC boasts a vibrant artistic atmosphere on campus.  Influenced  by  this  environment,  I  discovered  my  talents  and  passions  in  multiple  areas.  For  instance,  I  managed my own social media accounts, publishing articles and podcasts, which attracted considerable attention and recognition.  I  also  participated  in  talent  shows  and  became  a  campus  celebrity  due  to  my  exquisite  singing  performances. Notwithstanding my academic setbacks, CUC was a place where I could realize and further develop myself. My charismatic and outgoing personality garnered numerous friendships and recognition within the campus community. These connections also provided me with many opportunities for future employment. All these factors made me reluctant to leave CUC, despite academic challenges, as I saw a different future for myself here.  


My Professional Journey 


After  leaving  school  in  2017,  thanks  to  my  excellent  writing  skills  and  through  a  classmate's  introduction,  I  began  contributing  to  an  emerging  online  content  platform,  writing  according  to  their  needs.  A  year  into  the  job,  my outstanding  performance  and  the  quality  of  my  work  earned  me  a  better  opportunity  to  switch  to  a  competing  platform established by a well-known publishing group. Additionally, due to my proficiency in English, I was assigned tasks that involved directly reading English original books. These two work experiences laid a solid foundation for my resume, proving my professional capabilities and earning me a decent income. 


 In 2020, a friend I met at CUC, who graduated in the Art of Announcing and Anchoring (AAA), invited me to co-found a company. Our main business was to provide courses related to AAA for high school students, aiming to improve their  performance  in  university  art  program  entrance  exams,  known  as  Yikao.  My  partner  primarily  handled  the  teaching aspects, while I was responsible for managing the company, client relations, marketing and sales, and the production of video and graphic materials.  


The  first  year  of  our  entrepreneurial  venture  was  a  commercial  success  beyond  our  expectations.  Regrettably,  the  recurring  waves  of  COVID-19  in  China  and  the  government's  stringent  epidemic  management  policies  severely  impacted  our  business  in  2021  and  2022.  Besides,  in  September  2021,  the  Ministry  of  Education  of  China  issued  guidelines  for  Yikao  (art  examination)  reforms.  According  to  the  government's  plan,  the  market  demand  for  our  services was set to rapidly shrink under policy guidance. Facing these harsh policy pressures, we made adjustments over  these  two  years  and  actively  developed  online  services  to  adapt  to  new  demands,  but  our  business  was  still  notably affected.  


With the business impacted, my partner and I began planning new career paths. The three years of entrepreneurship granted me invaluable experience in running a business and uncovered my immense potential and interest in fields such as business decision-making, marketing, and product management. I viewed the mishap with the company as a rare opportunity to reassess my true interests and to engage in an industry where I truly have ambition and passion. 


My past experiences have profoundly taught me the importance of pursuing a career in such a field. This led to my decision to study Automotive Business abroad.  


Why Study Automotive Business at Georgian College 


1) My Passion, and the Prospects of China's Automotive Industry I have been fascinated by various types of vehicles from a very young age. After starting to work and saving some money,  I bought  my  first car,  a  Lynk & Co  03,  a Chinese brand sports  sedan. Before purchasing it, I did  extensive research on various performance parameters and discovered that I really enjoyed this process. This exploration not only  fueled  my  passion  for  cars  but  also  transformed  me  into  an  automobile  almost-expert.  Later,  I  used  this  knowledge to assist many friends in making their car choices, which brought me a great sense of fulfillment. After buying the car, I became rather passionate about driving, often embarking on road trips spanning over a thousand kilometres.  I  also  upgraded  many  accessories  for  my  car,  which  demonstrates  my  deep-rooted  enthusiasm  and  interest in automotive technology and trends. In summary, I have a significant interest and passion for automobiles, and therefore I am very eager to enter the automotive industry.  On the other hand, I am very optimistic about the prospects of China's automotive industry, especially in the field of New Energy Vehicles (NEV, including Electric Vehicles and Hybrid Electric Vehicles). Both the technological and market developments in this area are rapid, and Chinese brands could potentially lead the world in the future. According to data from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM), from January to April 2023, China exported 520,000 NEVs, a 112% increase compared to the same period in 2022. Additionally, in the Chinese NEV export market, the  proportion  of  exports  to  Western  developed  countries  is  continuously  increasing.  In  2021,  exports  to  these  countries  had  risen  to  account  for  71%  of  the  total  export  value,  indicating  increasing  competitiveness  in  the  international market.    (Data Source: link)  


2) Bridging My Experience with the Automotive Industry through Academic Advancement Despite  the  significant  value  of  my  three-year  entrepreneurial  experience,  to  enter  the  automotive  industry , systematic  knowledge  and  relevant  background  in  this  area  would  be  required.  Georgian  College's  Automotive  Business  Program  will  provide  me  with  the  necessary  professional  knowledge  and  skills.  By  combining  my entrepreneurial experience with specialized studies in Automotive Business, I will be able to organically integrate my business insights into the automotive industry. This comprehensive background will give me a unique competitive edge  in  related positions. Faced with  my decision  to  further  my  education,  my  parents  are  very  pleased and  have generously offered to finance my studies, expressing their belief in the soundness of my plan and their full support for this new chapter in my career. 


 3) Program Design Aligned with Employment Goals The  Automotive  Business  program  at  Georgian  College,  distinguished by  its  short  duration  and  focus  on  practical  application, is intensely job-oriented. Unlike my undergraduate education in China, the courses here are purposefully interconnected and tailored to real-world scenarios. They are frequently updated to keep pace with the latest industry trends,  significantly  enhancing  graduates'  employability.  Moreover,  Georgian  College  is  renowned  for  its  co-op programs. Through partnerships with over 6,200 employers, including leading international automakers like Honda of Canada Mfg., students are afforded early and relevant opportunities for quality work experience. This aspect of the program will certainly lay a solid foundation for my career transition upon returning to China.  4) My Motivation and Confidence for Academic Success in the Program Before applying, I carefully examined and assessed the AUBU program's curriculum to ensure its compatibility with my  personal  aspirations  and  abilities.  This  level  of  curriculum  transparency  is  something  I  found  lacking  in  higher  education in China. The program encompasses areas that spark my interest, such as "Concepts of the Automotive Industry"  (AUTO  1018)  and  "Introduction  to  Automotive  Technology" (AUTO 1019),  and  also  covers  areas  where  I  have hands-on experience, including "Introduction to Organizational Behaviour" (BUSI 1001) and "Principles of Sales" (MKTG 1003). These courses are both motivating and easily understandable to me. Other courses are equally practical and  relevant,  inspiring  my  enthusiasm  for  learning  and  avoiding  the  burden  of  unrelated  mathematics  and  programming. (Source: link) 


 Why Canada? 


1) Diverse Higher Education Options in Canada, a Contrast to China’s Lack of Flexibility Canada's college education aligns closely with my needs, making it an ideal choice for my further education. This type of  education,  closely  integrated  with  actual  employment  scenarios,  is  rare  in  China.  Additionally,  full-time  post-secondary education in China demands at least four years to complete, a duration that feels excessively lengthy for my career goals, while the alternative options are less socially recognized.  


2) High Recognition of Canadian Qualifications Offering a Competitive Edge The high quality of Canadian education is internationally renowned, and its value is highly recognized by the Chinese. With a Canadian diploma, I will be more attractive to employers in China. Moreover, as an English-speaking country, studying in Canada will also hone and prove my English proficiency, enabling me to handle a wider range of jobs, such as international operations in automobile companies.  


3) The North American Automotive Market North America, where Canada is located, is the world’s second-largest automotive market, boasting a more developed automotive industry and culture than even the largest, China. Moreover, Ontario, home to Georgian College, is also home to North America's largest automotive manufacturing hub. An automotive industry background obtained here will carry more weight and credibility, significantly enhancing my employment prospects in China. 


My Career Prospects Post-Graduation 


1) Launching into China’s Automotive Sector Committed to excelling at Georgian College, I aim to graduate with top grades and gain essential skills and experience. After these, I am optimistic about securing a job related to automotive business in China upon my return. My goal is to secure a position with global automotive leaders such as Honda and Tesla, or leading Chinese NEV companies like NIO, all of which are renowned for offering considerable salaries and excellent prospects for career growth. The robust demand for global marketing expertise in the automotive industry means that my overseas background will offer me a unique edge in these roles.  


2) Deep Involvement in China’s Automotive Market for Potential Future Entrepreneurship In  the Chinese  automotive  market,  my goal  is  to  directly understand  market  needs  and  trends  and  to cultivate  an  extensive  network  with  industry  professionals,  business  leaders,  and  suppliers.  I  view  this  understanding  and  the network as essential for my potential entrepreneurial endeavours in the future.  


My Ties to China 


1) Family Rooted in traditional Chinese values, I hold a deep belief in the importance of family responsibilities. I share a close bond with my parents, who have made tremendous sacrifices for me, offering unwavering support even in my most challenging times, including providing financial assistance for my studies abroad. I am immensely grateful for their steadfast support. As an only child, my parents' future well-being depends on me, which is why I am committed to returning to China after graduating, rather than unlawfully residing in Canada.  


2) Job opportunities and entrepreneurial environment As a local business owner, I am well-acquainted with China's national conditions and policies, which are crucial for business decision-making and market analysis. This understanding represents a significant value of my entrepreneurial experience, yet it is less applicable in Canada. Similarly, my experience in content creation, centred around Chinese writing  skills,  faces  limitations  in  an  English-dominated  environment.  Consequently,  my  competitive  edge  is compromised in Canada compared to what I possess in China.  Furthermore, I harbour ambitions for future entrepreneurship. In China, the government provides extensive support for small and micro businesses, including convenient financing, tax relief, and significant policy and legal support, all of which are crucial for my future business ventures. In contrast, entrepreneurs in Canada may face various challenges. Firstly,  startup  costs  are  higher,  especially  in  major  cities  where  rent  and  labour  costs  are  relatively  expensive.  Additionally,  Canadian  laws  and  policies,  being  more  conservative  compared  to  those  in  China,  impose  more  restrictions on entrepreneurs and require additional resources for compliance, a requirement I would rather avoid. 


My Commitment 


At  the  end  of  my  study  plan,  I  wish  to  emphasize  my  commitment  to  upholding  and  obeying  Canada's  laws  and  regulations. I have a clean criminal record and will ensure compliance with all legal requirements as an international student, including tax obligations and respecting Canada's cultural norms. Upon the completion of my studies, I will depart Canada as stipulated by my visa conditions. Furthermore, I genuinely hope that my stay will not only be for educational purposes but also an opportunity to make a positive contribution to Canadian society. Enclosed, you will find relevant supporting documents for my application. Thank you for your patien



